Roof renovation and deductions: how to obtain deductions

Roof renovation and deductions: how to obtain deductions
ArdogresAre you thinking of re-roofing and would you like to benefit from the deductions proposed by the State?
A number of interesting tax breaks have been arranged for 2023 as well: some stem from past years and may have undergone revisions, others are related to the 2022 measures, and still others have new features introduced by the 2023 Budget Law. Some deductions we have been dealing with in recent years, however, have been cancelled. Let's review them together and figure out if, how, and when they can translate into the coverage remake.
The Renovation Bonus has been renewed until 2024, which allows for a 50 percent deduction of expenses incurred for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of any single property unit with a maximum expenditure ceiling of 96,000 euros.
The ordinary Ecobonus, concerning a deduction from 50 percent to 65 percent for those energy efficiency interventions in existing buildings, has also been confirmed until 2024.
And the Ordinary Sismabonus, the allowance provided for securing buildings with varying rates depending on the seismic zone and type of building, is in effect until 2024:
50 to 70 percent for single-family units, with 96,000 euros expenditure limit
to 80 and 85 percent if the interventions define the improvement of one or two risk classes
to 75 and 85 percent for earthquake-resistant work on common condominium parts.
The Facade Bonus, Restoration Bonus and Water Bonus have been abolished.
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