Replacing Asbestos from roofs

Replacing Asbestos from roofs
ArdogresWhat are the risks of asbestos in the house
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral whose fibres can be separated into thin, durable filaments. It has been widely used in many areas of industry and construction because its fibres are excellent insulators, but it is a very hazardous substance and classified as a category 1A carcinogen in Regulation (EC) n. 1272/2008.
When asbestos-containing products are contaminated, fine asbestos fibres can be inhaled causing diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma and other forms of cancer over time.
Currently, asbestos is still present in many industrial, residential and commercial buildings and is often subject to remediation programmes that may include subsidies for removal.
In fact, Directive 1999/77/EC bans all uses of asbestos from 1 January 2005. In addition, Directive 2003/18/EC bans asbestos mining and the manufacture and processing of asbestos-based products. The biggest problem, however, is exposure to asbestos during removal, demolition, maintenance and upkeep activities.
In detail, the risks associated with the presence of an asbestos roof are:
- Health: As mentioned, asbestos is known to be a carcinogenic material. Asbestos fibres can become airborne over time, especially when the material deteriorates or is tampered with during repair or removal work. Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause serious lung problems, such as asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
- Inhalation of fibres: Asbestos particles can be released into the air if the asbestos roof is damaged or deteriorated. These fibres can be inhaled and can penetrate the lungs, causing irreparable damage.
- Fire risk: Buildings with asbestos roofs present an additional risk in case of fire. When asbestos burns, it releases toxic gases and particles into the air, increasing the danger to the health of occupants and rescuers.
- Removal costs: Asbestos removal can be an expensive and complex process. Strict rules and regulations must be observed to ensure safe and proper removal of asbestos coverings, which can result in additional costs for the building owner. European states often provide tenders or grants to incentivise the removal of asbestos roofings and the possible installation of photovoltaic systems.
- Impact on the environment: Disposal of asbestos can have a negative environmental impact if not managed correctly. Landfills must comply with specific regulations for the disposal of asbestos, and waste management must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental contamination.
In general, the presence of an asbestos roof poses a significant risk to human health and the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the safe replacement or removal of such roofing to ensure the safety and well-being of those living or working in the building.
As far as Ardogres is concerned, the 40X40 format lends itself perfectly to the replacement of rhomboid asbestos shingles with porcelain roof tiles. In addition to the health and safety aspects, which have already been discussed, reclamation and replacement with Ardogres 40X40 allows the appearance of the original building, which can often be subject to historical and/or landscape constraints, to be maintained intact.
As examples we report some emblematic cases:
Ca' de Sass - Milan
Villa a Meda (MB)
In some photos you can see the old asbestos roofing, still present in an adjacent building.
House in the Apennines near Bologna
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